okay…here’s a question for all of you. how the fuck do you even pronounce the word ‘meme’?? is it meem? or meemee? or maymay? anyway, i got tagged for one by the lovely, lovely, lovely Kristin (that’s Kristin with two “i”s) over at Camels & Chocolate.  i clicked over to her site after noticing a comment she left somewhere….Heather B’s? maybe?..anyway, the comment was something that i could have said…and once i started reading her site, we were instant friends. she’s like me…only entirely more awesome. example…i get to interview Canadian celebrities who wear briefs…and she gets to interview this pair of briefs…
yes, yes, she wins. (also? is it hot in here?)
anyway, she’s asked me to do this meme (however you pronounce it) and since it’s Kristin, i’m all over it…even though this is a hard one!
Think back on the last 15 years of your life. What would you tell someone that you hadn’t seen or talked to for 15 years? How would you sum up your life? You get 10 bullet points. A list of 10 things to summarize about you. At the end of your list, tag 5 more people and send on the love…
2. old men buy me coffees all the time at Tim Horton’s in the mornings. (oh, yes, have i mentioned i became a Canadian? i claimed my maternal canadian citizenship and jumped ship and moved to the great white north. i *think* i have a slight Canadian accent, but i don’t say sore-y) but i’ve NEVER BEEN HIT ON. EVER.
3. i birthed 3 children in 5 years. they are the loves of my life, and the banes of my existence. and just about the funniest people on earth. i asked them last night what they want to be when they grow up and they said:
Emily: A supermodel. duh.
Josh: Indiana Jones.
Isabella: when i grow up i want to have boobies.
ahem. out of the mouths of babes.
4. it took me almost 30 years, but i truly have the best friends a girl could have. and i get to go on trips with them…whether it be bowling (just because i’m a cheesehead and i LOVE bowling) or all the way to St. Lucia. They are awesome. they are my family…because my family does things like forget my birthday…
5. i’m a published author, more than 10 times over. sure, the books were written for first graders and they have titles like “To the Rescue” and “Home Run” and…my favorite…wait for it…”Salad”. but they are real books. and they have my name on them.
6. i got married as an infant (5 days shy of turning 20. yes, it’s true). and we have almost no pictures to show for it. because i made the mistake of allowing my mother to plan my wedding. She hired a douche-y photographer who took very few pictures. and the ones he took? SHIT. she hired two wedding coordinators who turned my wedding into more of a backyard hoedown than a classy wedding. did i mention the yellow bows???!! YEEHAW!
7. i’m a rockstar. well, i will be. i write an entertainment column, Juice, for urbanmoms.ca and it’s taken me places i never thought were possible, and it’s only going to get better. i get to go to parties and work the red carpet. i get to interview celebrities…i mean, seriously, celebrities who are judges on So You Think You Can Dance. (it may not be David Beckham…but it’s a START)
8. i discovered Argentina in 2004. the world’s best Brazilian waxer. and i’ll never go back.
9. oh, and also? i go commando more often than not. and only flashed my Britney once. and it was in the parking lot of my local library (where, incidentally, i spend a tremendous amount of time. and where, also incidentally, i get picked up by 14-year-old boys) and i was getting out of my car. and i flashed a rabbi. i don’t know who was more traumatized.
10. i’m 30. THIRTY. and i love it. i did the marrying and babying thing in my twenties and i’m really looking forward to enjoying every minute of my thirties. it took me a long time but i realized that i’m HOT, i’m SMART, and i’m AWESOME.
okay, okay, now i have to tag 5 people to do this…hmm…today i’m tagging Canadians…because, well, it’s Canada Day, of course!!!
Haley-O over at The Cheaty Monkey
Andi over at Poot and Cubby
Beck over at Frog and Toad are Still Friends
Metro (can i say your name yet?)Â over at Metro Mama
Amy over at Assertagirl