well, the good news is that Josh doesn’t have meningitis. oh yes, it’s been quite the adventure. Josh – my child who ONLY complains when his DS privileges are revoked – started with a headache. then he didn’t drink pop at dinner. then he fell asleep at the dinner table. then he was dizzy. then a neck ache. then an emergency call to Dr. Jack. then a meningitis scare. then an emergency visit. then a false alarm. strep + too much DS = meningitis symptoms. awesome. (also? ali really wants to punch dr. google in the nards…because you know as soon as the word meningitis slipped out of a doctor’s mouth, i’m going to be on a googling frenzy. what did our moms do before the internet??) (also, this little adventure this morning cost us our spots in swimming since this morning was the sign up. grumble. waitlisted. grumble) (wonder if Josh did this on purpose to get out of swimming…)
anyway, my post today wasn’t going to be about Josh’s NONmeningitis. it also wasn’t going to be about the fact that my bestie Ilana is taking me to the Leafs game tonight (viva la golds, baby) it was going to be a day in the life of ali, if you will. i get questions all the time ranging from “how in the sam hell do you get everything done? you must be superwoman!” (ps. i love people who say this) to “you must never sleep” to “what do you DO exactly?” so, i thought we could take a journey together…
6-6:30am – I hit the alarm clock at least 3 times. i get up. i shower. while in the shower i get visited by the three bunnies, who all have something superimportant to say.
6:30-7:30 – I break up the fights over the tv in my bedroom. I get dressed. and undressed. and dressed again. I take my pictures for The Working Closet.
I make myself breakfast and lunch. I give “KISSESNADHUGS!” to the three bunnies. I approve of Emily’s outfit and occasionally send her back up to change. I leave my lunch on the kitchen counter. I come back inside the house to grab said lunch.
7:30-8 – BLISS. drive to work. listen to the Edge. wonder who i might have to harrass to get an interview with the morning guys. get at coffee at Tim Horton’s.
8-10 – finish up blog post. read email. holy EMAIL!
10-11:30 – development meeting with the team of editors. I present the advertising piece I have been struggling with working on for the past 6 weeks. am disheartenened. want to cry. call the wahmbulence.
11:30-12:30 – search for a photo of the enviropig for a piece we are doing. find many, many lo-res images. email 25 people to see if anyone has a hi-res. argue with someone over the piece. decide to go with image of a regular pig instead.
12:30-1:00 – lunch + advertising research + reading possible forensic science read aloud. decide the book is useless. too much sex for grade 7 classrooms. also, the word shit is SO not okay. the toronto catholic school board told me so.
1:00-2:00 – meet with advertising team to discuss other options for the entire ad unit. decide that we NEED professionals. email advertising schools in Toronto to see if any students want to help us.
2:00-3:00 – design meeting with the team to discuss some more. we do a lot of discussing. and a lot of going around in circles.
3:00-3:15 – meet with my advertising team AND the designers to discuss images and format for a piece that is finally in design! yay! something goes right today! woohoo! i’m a woo girl all of a sudden!
3:15 – leave work (just as an aside. i only leave at 3:15 TWICE a week to drive carpool. other days i’m there until 4, 4:15, 4:30…). race over to the school. sit in carpool lane. check email on my itouch (huzzah! the school has free wifi!) read possible book for read aloud for my forensic science unit. gather the kids in the car. give them each a cookie. fight over what to watch in the car. force them to watch Annie. drop off all the kids. race over to gym to meet with Olga.
4:30-5:30 – train with Olga the scary trainer. sweat. feel like i want to die. Swear through 847 lunges. (wonder if that’s how lunge is spelled) (know i won’t be able to walk tomorrow no matter how the word is spelled)
5:30-7:30 – dinner and homework. and more homework. and then some more homework. talk about our days. hear emily’s play by play of every single minute of her day. hear josh’s “i can’t remember” what he did that day. hear Isabella’s “i painted” answer that she gives EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
7:30 – 8:30 – Isabella goes to bed. Isabella needs two stories. and chocolate milk. and her teeth brushed. and the she needs to pee. and then she needs a dolly. and then she needs some water. and then she needs to poo. and then she needs someone to wipe her bum. and then she can’t get her blankets right. and then she needs a different dolly. and then she needs to pee. and then she can’t get her blankets right.
8:30 – Ali loses her shit.
8:35 – bedtime for Josh and Emily. They – thankfully – put themselves to bed. They are allowed to read in their beds until 9:30.
8:40 – Emily needs to tell me something important
8:43 – Josh needs to tell me something important
8:44 – Emily is singing too loudly. Josh is annoyed.
8:47 – Josh can’t find his blanket. we search the entire house. then we find it in his room
8:49 – Emily is singing too loudly again. Josh is annoyed again.
8:51 – Emily needs to give me the picture she drew in class that day
8:54 – Josh needs to know what Emily just came in to give me.
8:57 – Ali loses her shit.
9:00 – Ali FINALLY relaxes in bed. watch tv. write a post for Juice. write a post for Canada Moms Blog. (please go over and leave me a comment! i’m a bit nervous about it) gchat with the usuals. phone talk with my mother.
10:00 – (the thing we don’t talk about on the internet) (maybe more of the thing we don’t talk about on the internet)
10:45 – work on blanket orders while watching more tv. right now i’m making two. a girl one and a boy one.
11:30 -realize i haven’t had enough water to drink today. start drinking water. half a liter.
11:45 – pee. drink more water. another half a liter.
12:00 – pee again. go to sleep.
lather, rinse, repeat.