Monthly Archives: December 2012

Experts, Celebrity Chefs, and Nutrilite Help #PackMoreHealth Into My Diet—and Yours

Two years ago, I was consuming at least three Diet Cokes every day. “It’s my one vice,” I’d say to try to convince others, but mostly to convince myself. “It’s not as bad as other things I could be drinking. I mean, there’s no alcohol—and there are no calories or…

Pop Culture Blind Spots—Everyone’s Got ‘Em

I was all set to write about something obviously really important but then Twitter derailed my entire day as I shockingly discovered that two people who I love to bits and pieces have never seen The Princess Bride. It all started innocently enough—with me explaining how Mandy Patinkin and I…

It’s So Much Fun-akkah to Celebrate Hanukkah. I Mean, Adam Sandler Says So.

It’s Hanukkah around here which means exactly one very important thing: bring on the fried foods! No really. Go ahead. You can google it. I will wait. Just be careful what source you are using, because googling can, in fact, backfire right in your face. Case it point: Emily: Hey…