Monthly Archives: December 2012

Why I’m Not Going to Tell You that I’m Still a Winner

Over the last few months, I have talked to you about the importance of play and the importance of a really special organization called Right To Play. I talked about big life AHA! moments and I have sung the praises of the best teammate a girl could ask for—Olympic gold…

A Starbucks Gift Card Hardly Seems Enough Right Now

This morning I drove my two daughters and my son to school. Most mornings, we scramble to make sure everyone has the right hats and mitts and boots and indoor shoes and permission slips signed. Most mornings are frantic and messy—especially this past Friday; the kids left for school after…

Let’s Just Blame the Zit…Mmmkay?

Sometimes I find myself having a particularly rough time, which feels absurd to say because my life is pretty awesome. I have a lovely family, everyone’s relatively healthy even though my husband might have Celiac and/or a milk allergy so coupled with my awesome allergies (Allow me to speak for…