This Chinese restaurant completes me.
Even though I didn’t leave my house for the first six days of this year, I have ridiculously high hopes for 2012.
I’m going to watch my kid shine on the stage again. I’m going to skate with my kids on our backyard ice rink. I’m going to run my first race. I’m going to read 62 books. I’m going to wear my new glasses. I’m going to celebrate my year anniversary of being diet-coke free. I’m going to watch my son hit for the cycle again.
I’m going to be Kelly Ripa when I grow up.
I’m going to watch less Jersey Shore and more Parenthood. I don’t really care anymore what The Situation and The Unit have to say about whether or not something happened with Mike and Snooki. But what I do care about is the fact that Christina followed through on a punishment with Max and everyone got all annoyed and they missed out on a big family event, but following through? Important.
I’m going to check out what this giant Downton Abbey fuss is all about (Related: It’s not every day that your in-laws and your internets are abuzz about the same thing.)
I will not buy my 5th grader a cell phone.
I’m going to watch The Packers win another Superbowl.
I’m going to write this awesome piece about vampires vs. werewolves vs. zombies vs. witches.
I’m going to bring back phrases like ‘heavens to Betsy’ and ‘hell’s bells’ and ‘now you’re cookin’ with gas!’ and ‘Cat’s pajamas’
And I’m going to enjoy dessert.
Because the fortune cookie told me to.
What are YOU doing in 2012?