Monthly Archives: January 2011

A Red Lipstick Occasion.

Well, I woke up Saturday morning and for the first time in over a week I thought…HEY! I feel like a person today! I even got dressed and left my house and went over to friends so I could show my Ilana my wound sites (ooooh. fancy) and I could…

She Loves Me Not. Obviously. A Tale in Two Parts.

Part 1. Isabella: Mommy! Look at the stuffed animal that Marni gave me! Isn’t it amazing?!? She only gave it to me to borrow, though. I have to bring it back to her tomorrow. Me: That’s so nice of her, baby. Who is Marni? Isabella: She is my friend who…

Literally. Without Speech.

Have you ever tried to NOT TALK? I recently spent three full days in my bed, and with the occasional complete and horrifying nausea I felt four times a day when I took my antibiotics on an empty stomach and the grody-to-the-max, gag-me-with-a-spoon taste of both pudding and mashed potatoes…