Well, I woke up Saturday morning and for the first time in over a week I thought…HEY! I feel like a person today!
I even got dressed and left my house and went over to friends so I could show my Ilana my wound sites (ooooh. fancy) and I could squeeze and hold a delicious-smelling baby which was ridiculously lovely because, you guys, my baby…well, just look at her. When did she become a teenager? And in a moment of craziness I ate sushi that had actual fish in it. I don’t even know who I am right now. Fish. RAW FISH. Me. I don’t eat fish. I have never eaten fish. Well, that’s a lie. I once took a bite of salmon at The Cheesecake Factory and coughed it down because I was promised two pairs of shoes if I just took a bite. What does one get for eating it raw, OMG?
And then in a moment of even greater craziness (CLEARLY MY ORAL SURGEON REMOVED PART OF MY BRAIN ALONG WITH MY WISDOM TEETH) I was all, HEY! The Golden Globes are on tomorrow night! Let’s be crazy and have a party! Let’s invite all of our friends! Let’s cook up a storm! Let’s make it a black tie affair because I totally need an excuse to wear the dress I wore to my sister in law’s wedding a million years ago!
Which was when my husband turned to me and said…”That’s such a great idea. Why don’t you watch the Golden Globes with a bunch of your friends and I will make you all dessert? Because, well, that’s what you are doing.”
YES. This is what it’s like being married to someone for over 12 years. He knows you and he gets you and he senses when you are feeling sorry for yourself and when you feel like you don’t have any friends and that your family doesn’t really care about you and then he goes behind your back and invites over a handful of your friends over to watch one of your most anticipated shows of the year and then goes ahead and makes banana cake and homemade ice cream and cookies.
I needed this. I really did.
A red lipstick occasion.