Monthly Archives: August 2010

Why yes, I AM still talking about tattoos. What of it?

I talked a little bit about tattoos over at Juice this week, because in the same way that Oscar red carpets have their goods, their bads, and their “OMG HOW IN THE HELL DID SHE THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA”s, so do tattoos. Only, you know, they are a…

Hot Time, Summer in the…um…Suburbs.

This is sponsored content by BlogHer and Kelloggs. GASP. You guys, summer is almost over. It just started yesterday, didn’t it? I guess, though, now that I think about it, we have already done a TON this summer. The kids went to sports camp and arts camp and a real-life…

Her, Bellezilla

This. Five years ago. It feels like forever ago that I was TEN days overdue during what felt like the hottest August to ever happen in the history of Augusts. I was  just so anxious to meet the little tasmanian devil that was going to make our family complete. THE…