Monthly Archives: April 2009

a distraction**

Spring break at casa de martell means two things: a) NO HOMEWORK (which, if you have children, you understand how great this is. that’s a good two hours of my day that i don’t have to spend overlording and begging and checking addition and subtraction and googling for help when…

find my ilana a thing

**this post was written before I heard about my dear Shana losing her new baby Thalon. It was written before I read the tweet from Heather to her that said: @gorillabuns oh my god, I am so sorry. I hope our babies are together laughing and dancing and playing. I…

…to see a man about some shoes

the button on my beloved black patent leather Jessica Simpson (like you NEVER…) mary janes popped off while I was at the supermarket grabbing last minute passover essentials. and when i say essentials, i really mean black flats for Emily, a butterfinger bar, and a matching towel and potholder set…