**this post was written before I heard about my dear Shana losing her new baby Thalon. It was written before I read the tweet from Heather to her that said: @gorillabuns oh my god, I am so sorry. I hope our babies are together laughing and dancing and playing. I am shattered. It was written before I put on my purple for Maddie. It was written before I said a giant “fuck you” to the universe. Maybe we need this today; this distraction.
So, sunday nights are reserved for a night out with friends. my nanny comes back at 7pm every sunday and I give kissesandhugs and more kissesandhugs and pry Isabella off my leg and go out and enjoy some not-kid time. because this week is Passover and we were all just wiped from the LOOOOONG seders and the gluttonous amount of eating, we opted to stay in. there was some talk of playing risk, but that never panned out. probably because they were all scared of my mad skillz from St. Lucia…
and somehow the conversation turned to our “things” during Fry’s retell of his tearing up at a restaurant in San Francisco. people, he actually CRIED because his food was that good. his THING clearly is food. there was debate over what the husband’s thing is…hockey or sex. Jack’s thing: TOYS. he truly lives by the “the boy with the most toys wins” creed. my thing: blogging (OBVIOUSLY) and all things pop culture (again…OBVIOUSLY) but when we got to Ilana, we were stumped. SHE DOESN’T HAVE A THING.
and she’s not happy about it.
so, I come to you with open arms (stop singing) and ask you to find my dear Ilana a thing. she’s taking suggestions and we *might* even try all your suggestions and document the FIND ILANA A THING SEGMENT. um, yes, that is, once i buy my new flip video camera. because, even though it’s Jack’s thing, i like me some toys too. just please don’t recommend she take up this as her thing…
because obviously, that’s what I’m recommending.
PS. do YOU have a “thing”? what is it?