Monthly Archives: April 2009


the husband is in Las Vegas (onbusiness)(foraweek) which means two things…a) something is going to go very, very wrong and b) someone is going to barf. exhibit a. exhibit b. exhibit c. exhibit d. I will stop exhibiting now, and get to the matters at hand. the matter of the…

if you say Britney i’ll punch you in the mouth

so, remember way back in February when I had this crazy idea that I was going to make the gym my bitch? remember, I was all, yes, I DO have a habit of getting excited about the gym, going for a little bit, and then quitting, but this time WILL…

the snugglebummer

Isabella has this way of kissing me. she cannot just kiss me; she needs to make a full on production of it. she first kisses my left cheek (which she pronounces sheek), then my right, then my chin, my nose, and finally, my forehead. It’s a routine that comes in…