May 21 08

nothing like waking up to a little site hacking…shit. shit. shit. i *think* i got it fixed…but this is around the time when Ali panics and wonders why she really knows nothing about the backend of things (the backend of wordpress, you pervs…) must get on that. upgrade to 2.5.1. in my free time. because there’s so much of that.

coffee. must have coffee.

oh, yes, i did have a coffee story to tell you from my trip to Buffalo. i’m a coffee drinker. i’m not one of those, though. the ones who drink 5, 6, 7 cups a day. and the real deal too. the espresso. (but anyone who says eXpresso = not a coffee drinker in my books) i drink one large coffee on my way to work. and another around 10 am (but that’s only since giving up diet coke. completely. cold turkey). i will drink the occasional third cup, but that’s purely for social reasons, except in Niagara Falls when Starbucks wants to charge $7 for tall latte. i’m not cheap…but that’s just ridiculous.

the only one i NEED is the morning one. but dear god, do i need it.

so, because Monday was MY day, i wanted to start it out at Dunkin Donuts. having safely crossed the border and chatted up the customs dude (meet the new Ali! customs officials don’t scare me anymore!), we pulled in so i could get my large regular coffee and donut. mmm…chocolate creme filled donut.

(why Canada, why don’t you have these??)

no one told me that a Tim Hortons large and a Dunkin Donuts large coffee are two VERY different things….

large Tim’s coffee:

large Dunkin Donuts coffee, otherwise known as the BIG GULP:

holy huge, Batman! how can i person my size (hello, size 25 jeans at Lucky!) be expected to consume anything that large? i guess it’s not just the Cheesecake Factory that supersizes their portions, eh? seriously, if i lived in the states, i’d be huge and constantly jittery (too. much. giant. coffee). maybe it’s a good thing we don’t have dunkin donuts…

on a completely unrelated note…i saw my very first cute dad at school when i drove carpool yesterday. i’ve been waiting since, um, September. it’s always moms at pick-up, in lululemons and perfect hair and perfect shoes and perfect purses. it was nice to spot a dad. and my god, he was cute. i LOVE watching dads with their kids.  and when he lifted his son, i spotted it…that favorite male body part of mine…that area at the hip bone..or pelvic bone…you know…the Brad Pitt in Fight Club one…

i don’t know what you call that…but holy hip bone, it makes me weak in the knees. who knew that carpool could be that sexy? 😉

what’s your favorite body part?

  1. Damn you and your 25s. 😉 I got to start drinking coffee.

    ohmommy’s last blog post..Apparently, I have a response…

    Comment by ohmommy on May 21, 2008
  2. I usually get a large at DD, but it lasts me all morning. And that is only on the days when I need more caffeine than normal.

    Plus their coffee is so good I could drink the extra large!

    Kristabella’s last blog post..I’m Available For Babysitting

    Comment by Kristabella on May 21, 2008
  3. Now I have to go to the bathroom, after looking at that ginormous cup (vat?) of coffee.

    Expresso. Please. Lightweights.

    Stacy’s last blog post..Wii Fits of Rage

    Comment by Stacy on May 21, 2008
  4. You got hacked! Ack!

    You really have me wishing we had a Lucky store around here.

    As for body parts – that’s one of my favourites too 🙂

    Angella’s last blog post..After Eight

    Comment by Angella on May 21, 2008
  5. I ordered a large double double from a Tims in Buffalo and got what we Canadians refer to as an extra large.
    Their medium is our large.
    Their small is our medium.
    And they don’t have our small.
    Crazy Americans…

    Oh and it took me a sec to figure out the pic of that donut.

    And I like arms. Nice toned, cut arms…and back…nice toned cut back…

    Comment by Christine on May 21, 2008
  6. I LOVE that hip bone thingy or whatever you call it – I can’t believe you spotted one at your kids school!

    All the food portions in the US are so massive – it freaks me out!

    Don Mills Diva’s last blog post..Happy Happy

    Comment by Don Mills Diva on May 21, 2008
  7. OH – the hip bone is steamy good. I always quite enjoy the shoulders to waist thing – you know – wide wide shoulders going in a “v” down to a nice slim waist. Oh, big shoulders!!

    Teri’s last blog post..Happy Birthday, Vicky!

    Comment by Teri on May 21, 2008
  8. On any guy other than Brad Pitt, that part is called the “love handle.”

    Matthew’s last blog post..Bein’ a good dad

    Comment by Matthew on May 21, 2008
  9. hmmm…a dunkin donut would be perfect. right. about…now! 🙂

    Comment by Tova on May 21, 2008
  10. wow i’d be pi**ing all day if i drank that much coffee!

    Comment by LAVENDULA on May 21, 2008
  11. Yes, unfortunately… pretty much EVERYTHING is super sized over here; this is so sad and it really isn’t helping with the whole obesity thing (of course, obese people are everywhere but that’s not my point). ANyway…

    Fav body part? I’m sorry, I will have to go with the hip bone area/chest. Why? Because when I see a defined area my brain goes RIGHT into the gutter.

    That or eyes.

    Mari’s last blog post..Links Times Three?

    Comment by Mari on May 21, 2008
  12. I lost you when I saw the donut. Sorry.

    Chris Cactus’s last blog post..We Are John Cusak

    Comment by Chris Cactus on May 21, 2008
  13. Best quote EVER “if i lived in the states, i’d be huge and constantly jittery”
    so, so true. (sadly)

    AbsolutelyBananas’s last blog post..Never say never, Part I. In which I ask, “If my car doesn’t define me, WHAT DOES?!”

    Comment by AbsolutelyBananas on May 21, 2008
  14. I am a legs girl. Swoon.

    Sorry your site got hacked. (BOO! On hackers!)

    And? I am so sorry about the Diet Coke. I totally understand. I went 62.5 days without it (And I went off caffeine TOO! With no cheating! Not even once!!!)

    Loralee’s last blog post..Someone give me a damn paper bag to breathe in…

    Comment by Loralee on May 21, 2008
  15. OMG. That donut looks like HEAVEN!!! I wonder if there is a Dunkin Donuts in my town? Must. Go.

    I gave up my diet coke too… *sigh* I fell off of the wagon Monday night though, and OMW was it good. Diet Coke… *happy sigh*

    My fav body part? Ummm… am I allowed to say that on your blog? Hey, i’m a newlywed! My mind is always on that. That and arms… a man with toned arms is SO. FREAKISHLY. HAWT. *swoon*

    Jana’s last blog post..More Than A Label

    Comment by Jana on May 21, 2008
  16. I absolutley love that hip bone thing also. I couldn’t find a picture, but Hugh Grant shows off his hip area in Songs and Lyrics. Check it out HOT!!! Must see

    Comment by maria on May 21, 2008
  17. Hackers are LAME. Glad you got everything back up and running.

    Hip bone?? Yes please!!!

    Miss’s last blog post..Blah, Blah, Blah… and a tag

    Comment by Miss on May 21, 2008
  18. that is my favourite body part and i am exciting that i am not the only one that thinks it’s the sexiest part of a man. hah.

    and! dunken doughnuts commericals are evil when you live in canada &the fact that it’s what they eat on america’s best dance crew i’m just staring at my television like mmm. i soo want to go to the states just to get something haha. &tims coffees are really quite small.

    Comment by Shannon on May 21, 2008
  19. God, I LOATHE people who say eXpresso. And my boyfriend — despite being a sort of coffee connoisseur — is one of them! It’s kind of like how I feel the need to correct people when they say “with who” instead of “whom” and “hung” when referring to being “hanged” by a noose. I clearly have issues.

    And I’m with you on the pelvic bone. Upper arms, too.

    Camels & Chocolate’s last blog post..When in Napoli

    Comment by Camels & Chocolate on May 21, 2008
  20. You crack me up! I’m going to add you to my list of favorites. Hope you don’t mind, let me know if you do!

    Traceytreasure’s last blog post..Not Everyone Was Born With Common Sense

    Comment by Traceytreasure on May 21, 2008
  21. Yes, the size of EVERY consumable in the states freaks me out. I’m kind of proud that our crap is not that big here. Also, that krispy kreme didn’t have a leg to stand on in the cdn market. Also that you called yourself a ‘we Canadians’ 🙂

    kgirlto’s last blog post..Tomato Soup – It’s Not Just For Breakfast Anymore

    Comment by kgirlto on May 21, 2008
  22. That part in the upper part of a guys chest where it dips in? Before the neck and between those shoulder bone thingys. (I did NOT take anatomy, give me a break).

    Good&Crazy’s last blog post..MEME: The Third

    Comment by Good&Crazy on May 21, 2008
  23. Favorite body part…sorry, I can’t get past chocolate creme filled donut!

    Nap Warden’s last blog post..Random Thoughts Volume V

    Comment by Nap Warden on May 21, 2008
  24. How on earth did your site get hacked? Maybe you wrote about it already. I’ve never had a Dunkin’ Donut before but we just started getting the chain here in Vegas.

    180/360’s last blog post..Wise Owl

    Comment by 180/360 on May 21, 2008
  25. chiming in to say that is definitely my favorite body part on boys too…my girlfriends and i call it the chevron (because of the v-shape)…mmmm mmmm good

    how did you give up diet coke? i’ve been trying for about a year (by trying i mean, thinking about trying, then caving after 30 minutes without it)

    katie’s last blog post..this thing, whatever it is

    Comment by katie on May 21, 2008
  26. I love that you wrote about “hot dads” because I say to my husband (yes I am this retarded) “I can’t wait for you to be the “hot” dad at our kids school.” haha

    FYI – He totally has those hot hip bones… I don’t mind calling them love handles because I love to handle them…. sorry I’ve crossed the line.

    Melinda Ann’s last blog post..Grace is great

    Comment by Melinda Ann on May 21, 2008
  27. PS – When I say I can’t wait, it is because we don’t have kids yet, not because one day my husband ‘will’ be hot….. in my book he is already hot! haha

    Melinda Ann’s last blog post..Grace is great

    Comment by Melinda Ann on May 21, 2008
  28. 1. Hands and legs are my favorite.
    2. It makes me crazy when people say expresso (or mispronounce words in general).
    3. Why the hell would you want to give up Diet Coke?

    Comment by Anna on May 21, 2008
  29. Hello – longtime lurker here….
    but I just had to post when I saw Brad Pitt’s hip-bones. Yeow.

    I’d have to say my favorite body parts are:
    – shoulders
    – hands
    – hip bones

    Love the blog!!

    Sarah’s last blog post..Movie Quote of the Week

    Comment by Sarah on May 21, 2008
  30. If you think the DD hot coffee is huge, you should try the large iced coffee. It comes in a small keg. Or should, anyway. Fave body part? The curve of the butt where it meets the thigh.

    Comment by Mumma Boo on May 21, 2008
  31. My friends and I call that spot the “Sexy Man Curve” or SMC. mmmm….

    Comment by Laurie on May 21, 2008
  32. Oh, that is absolutely one of my favorite body parts. Also, if someone handed me that tiny cup of Tim’s coffee and called it a large, I’d cry.

    Shamelessly Sassy’s last blog post..The Tin Can Adventures: The Yard Sale Van

    Comment by Shamelessly Sassy on May 21, 2008
  33. biceps/triceps. totally.

    Lara’s last blog post..Calling a Halt

    Comment by Lara on May 21, 2008
  34. See that hipbone makes me think “Pan down…pan down…”

    The Over-Thinker’s last blog post..Come Fly with Me, Let’s Fly, Let’s Fly Away…ILOVEYOUMICHAELBUBLE

    Comment by The Over-Thinker on May 21, 2008
  35. Arms! I lurve me some sexy sculpted arms. Rarhh!

    Yeah, isn’t portion size a great BIG joke in the US? I swear I’m amazed I’m still a size 8. Here recently, that 8 has been by the skin of my muffin top. I’m working on it though because it is swimsuit weather down in these parts.

    Queen of Shake Shake’s last blog post..I Ran Out of Vodka Just When I Needed It Most

    Comment by Queen of Shake Shake on May 21, 2008
  36. […] to jump back on the treadmill.  And one other thing has got me motivated as well.  It seems, that mommy’s check out “hot dads” when dropping off and picking up kids from school.  I did not know this.  I hadn’t thought, […]

    Pingback by Childs Play x2 - A dad and his twins » If you fall off the treadmill, you’ve got to get right back on. on May 22, 2008
  37. Is it me or is the coffee down in the States typically weaker than ours? I remember when I went to Buffalo and ordered a Timmies the way I usually order it up here and I found it was like drinking water!!!

    Multi-Tasking Mommy’s last blog post..My latest addiction…

    Comment by Multi-Tasking Mommy on May 22, 2008
  38. […] « supersize me […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » letters. because i can. it’s my birthday. on May 22, 2008
  39. That donut looks disgustingly delicious!!!

    Teena in Torontos last blog post..Thursday Thirteen #30

    Comment by Teena in Toronto on May 22, 2008
  40. *swoon* at that coffee! I get mine at my local cafe made in a milkshake cup.
    They know me, they know I am mad, they make it as they see me arrive. I guess I am a little scary BC – before caffeine.

    And I am not ashamed to admit that I still find Brad damn sex-ay. Like EVERYWHERE. But on mortal males I lurve arms…

    Kelleys last blog post..outed

    Comment by Kelley on May 23, 2008
  41. Women notice a man’s hipbone?! I never would have imagined…

    Neils last blog post..Pineapple on Pizza: Yuch!

    Comment by Neil on May 24, 2008

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