nothing like waking up to a little site hacking…shit. shit. shit. i *think* i got it fixed…but this is around the time when Ali panics and wonders why she really knows nothing about the backend of things (the backend of wordpress, you pervs…) must get on that. upgrade to 2.5.1. in my free time. because there’s so much of that.
coffee. must have coffee.
oh, yes, i did have a coffee story to tell you from my trip to Buffalo. i’m a coffee drinker. i’m not one of those, though. the ones who drink 5, 6, 7 cups a day. and the real deal too. the espresso. (but anyone who says eXpresso = not a coffee drinker in my books) i drink one large coffee on my way to work. and another around 10 am (but that’s only since giving up diet coke. completely. cold turkey). i will drink the occasional third cup, but that’s purely for social reasons, except in Niagara Falls when Starbucks wants to charge $7 for tall latte. i’m not cheap…but that’s just ridiculous.
the only one i NEED is the morning one. but dear god, do i need it.
so, because Monday was MY day, i wanted to start it out at Dunkin Donuts. having safely crossed the border and chatted up the customs dude (meet the new Ali! customs officials don’t scare me anymore!), we pulled in so i could get my large regular coffee and donut. mmm…chocolate creme filled donut.
(why Canada, why don’t you have these??)
no one told me that a Tim Hortons large and a Dunkin Donuts large coffee are two VERY different things….
large Tim’s coffee:
large Dunkin Donuts coffee, otherwise known as the BIG GULP:
holy huge, Batman! how can i person my size (hello, size 25 jeans at Lucky!) be expected to consume anything that large? i guess it’s not just the Cheesecake Factory that supersizes their portions, eh? seriously, if i lived in the states, i’d be huge and constantly jittery (too. much. giant. coffee). maybe it’s a good thing we don’t have dunkin donuts…
on a completely unrelated note…i saw my very first cute dad at school when i drove carpool yesterday. i’ve been waiting since, um, September. it’s always moms at pick-up, in lululemons and perfect hair and perfect shoes and perfect purses. it was nice to spot a dad. and my god, he was cute. i LOVE watching dads with their kids. and when he lifted his son, i spotted it…that favorite male body part of mine…that area at the hip bone..or pelvic bone…you know…the Brad Pitt in Fight Club one…
i don’t know what you call that…but holy hip bone, it makes me weak in the knees. who knew that carpool could be that sexy? 😉
what’s your favorite body part?