May 22 08

Dear Josh,

you get the points for the most creative birthday card ever. and thanks for hoping i have a good life.

not seeing it?



Dear karma, irony, and/or murphy’s law,

just because i said i refuse to grow up and i still feel like a teenager (and i still check out the boys in the schoolyard), you didn’t have to punish me with Le Zit. on my birthday. thanks for the very Angela Chase day.

ps. i didn’t even have acne when i was actually in high school. fuckers.



Dear wordpress site hackers,

i hope you die of the aids.


Dear department of motor vehicles (or whatever the Canadian version is called…)

neener, neener.

i got my licence renewed ON TIME.

it would have been nice had i not had to wait in line for 2 hours. also…it would have been nice to have had to look at the dude wearing sweatpants. EW. men should not be allowed to wear sweatpants without a cup. way. too. revealing.

actually driving legally with a non-smiling photo,


Dear San Antonio Spurs,

you let me down last night. i know that the entire world wants a Lakers/Celtics finals. but we have history, you and i. way back to the post-Bucks Terry Cummings days. just remember i wore a horrific leather spurs jacket all through high school for YOU. and we aren’t even going to talk about the David Robinson posters. PLEASE. win for me. it’s the least you can do.

oh, and Tim Duncan…you totally should have taken that shot last night. you know which one.

oh, and you had a 20 point lead.


your biggest fan. but not in a Kathy Bates/Misery sort of way.

Dear Dean, Jason and Todd,

thanks for making me 25 minutes late for work. please, in the future, find Todd a fiance updates need to be BEFORE 8. thanks.

you guys made my morning.



  1. Happy Birthday, Ali! πŸ˜€ And congrats on getting your license renewed– so nice to have that out of the way.

    becca’s last blog post..Love is a doing word.

    Comment by becca on May 22, 2008
  2. happy 30th to you! you are so young still (especially to be a hip mother of 3).

    like josh, i too hope you have a good life!

    tracey’s last blog favorite song

    Comment by tracey on May 22, 2008
  3. Happy, happy birthday! I hope a spambot doesn’t kill the e-card I sent you.

    Oh, and your wish for the site hackers – priceless!

    I hope I look as good as you when I turn 30. Oh, crap. I only have a few months and I don’t see my body being capable of pulling off a bikini by then.

    andis last blog post..Dumbassery makes for excellent blog fodder

    Comment by andi on May 22, 2008
  4. Happy Birthday darlin! xo

    Karen Sugarpantss last blog post..ItÒ€ℒs Enough To Drive A Person Crazy

    Comment by Karen Sugarpants on May 22, 2008
  5. Happy Birthday Ali ! Tell me 30 is the new 20. Tell me it’s okay ! You’re my new role model πŸ˜‰

    Heathers last blog post..It’s Official

    Comment by Heather on May 22, 2008
  6. hi Ali happy birthday cute card from josh.

    Comment by LAVENDULA on May 22, 2008
  7. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear Ali!
    Happy Birthday to you ..

    only 10 more years t’il FORTY .. neener neener..

    Have a great day, your kids a cutie pie .. awwwwww…

    Comment by sarah on May 22, 2008
  8. That card is priceless!

    Happy Birthday Ali! 30 looks good on ya’!

    Comment by AJ on May 22, 2008
  9. My daughter writes Habby Birthday! It’s cute because she’s 5 years old. I’ll correct her in time, don’t worry! Happy, Happy Day! I just had to let you know that one of my zits is on the tip of my nose! You feel any better? Hugs!

    Traceytreasures last blog post..The Arizona Diamondbacks

    Comment by Traceytreasure on May 22, 2008
  10. Happy B-day!

    Beccas last blog post..Birfday boy

    Comment by Becca on May 22, 2008
  11. Happy Birthday Ali.

    I too hope you have a good life, free from bad driver’s license photos.

    SciFi Dads last blog post..Decompression

    Comment by SciFi Dad on May 22, 2008
  12. Happy Birthday, Ali. Welcome to the 30 club!

    JuJuBees last blog post..Good Enough

    Comment by JuJuBee on May 22, 2008

    Hope you eat lots and lots of cinnamon buns. πŸ™‚

    Comment by mamatulip on May 22, 2008
  14. omg, that card is absolutely adorable! what a cute thing to write on a birthday card! πŸ˜‰

    Happy Birthday!

    cates last blog post..Pink Eye waiting to happen

    Comment by cate on May 22, 2008
  15. Happy Birthday Ali!

    And a special birthday tip for you – I also suffered from a few bouts of the “zits” when I turned 30 – but starting buying Oil of Olay (Regenerist Serum), and never had one again! Not a zit cream, its an anti aging cream, but it worked on my teenage daughter too!

    Have a great birthday!

    Comment by Samantha on May 22, 2008
  16. happiest of birthdays! my sister was in kindergarten with todd – associated hebrew school!

    kgirltos last blog post..Late to the Potty

    Comment by kgirlto on May 22, 2008
  17. p.s. Momy!

    kgirltos last blog post..Late to the Potty

    Comment by kgirlto on May 22, 2008
  18. Happy Birthday Ali!

    Hollys last blog post..Congrats to the New Idol: David Cook!

    Comment by Holly on May 22, 2008
  19. The zit means you’re a teenager at heart. Happy birthday.

    Neils last blog post..Imaginary WordPress Plugin: Automatic Comment Respond-o-Meter

    Comment by Neil on May 22, 2008
  20. Happy B-day (again)! LOVING Josh’s card! I take you out to celebrate soon!

    Comment by Haley-O on May 22, 2008
  21. OK – I am loving this post. Although you made me remember the big old zits I have. You’re NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIRTY SEVEN AND STILL HAVE ACNE. Are you listening, Mother Nature?

    manager moms last blog post..From The Department of "What The Hell Was I Thinking"

    Comment by manager mom on May 22, 2008
  22. happy 30th. have a good life! (you know, what’s left of it.) πŸ˜‰

    Laras last blog post..Calling a Halt

    Comment by Lara on May 22, 2008
  23. Happy Birthday lady! Welcome to the 30s! they are a good place!

    I didn’t get bad acne until I was 22. It SUCKED!

    Kristabellas last blog post..Wine Is My Friend

    Comment by Kristabella on May 22, 2008
  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And you don’t look a day over 22, so I hope you’re taking the change of decade with a grain of salt!

    Also, at 25 I’m starting to break out too — what is with that? I thought that was a teenage/college occurrence!

    Camels & Chocolates last blog post..Enough to Make You Lose Your Own Lunch

    Comment by Camels & Chocolate on May 22, 2008
  25. delurking here….it’s my birthday too have a great day! love your site!

    Comment by Jro on May 22, 2008
  26. Happy Birthday! You show the zit who’s boss.

    Comment by KC on May 22, 2008
  27. Happy Birthday, Ali!

    Hey – that’s still a great picture. Hope you had a wonderful day!

    I say go Celts! ha ha ha

    amys last blog post..The Sisters Two Who Can Do….

    Comment by amy on May 22, 2008
  28. Happy birthday!!!!

    Teena in Torontos last blog post..Thursday Thirteen #30

    Comment by Teena in Toronto on May 22, 2008
  29. Happy Birthday. You look beautiful even with zits πŸ™‚

    Now tell me more about these wordpress hackers!!! How do I know if I’ve got them???

    Britts last blog post..Oops! I Did It Again!

    Comment by Britt on May 22, 2008
  30. I meant to drop in yesterday and wish you a fabulous happy birthday!!

    Jays last blog post..Shiny

    Comment by Jay on May 23, 2008
  31. Again? I gotta say it again? No. I said it already. I will say this though… GO LAKERS. πŸ˜€

    Misss last blog post..Blah, Blah, BlahÒ€¦ and a tag

    Comment by Miss on May 23, 2008
  32. “I hope you have a good life”

    That is AWESOME.

    I hope you do πŸ™‚

    Comment by Angella on May 23, 2008
  33. Happy belated B’day!!
    Have been a but MIA last couple of days.

    But from the latest post looks like it was a great night out!

    Comment by Bronnie on May 23, 2008
  34. Happy Belated Birthday!!!

    And what zit??? You are so pretty so shut up πŸ™‚

    (Please PUH-LEASE find a photo of you in the LEATHER spurs coat circa High School and post it!!! I need a new desktop background!)

    (Thank you for not posting a photo of Nut-Cupless Sweatpants man.)

    The Over-Thinkers last blog post..There are Winners, there are Losers and there are people who enter contests for Chocolate Tea, Cupcakes and Books about Ugly Food

    Comment by The Over-Thinker on May 24, 2008
  35. I hope that Josh is still wishing you a good life when he reaches adolescence and is genetically predisposed to wishing you would fade into oblivion…except when he needs a ride somewhere.

    Dis last blog post..Afterglow

    Comment by Di on May 25, 2008
  36. Happy (belated) birthday! I’m still laughing that you referenced Angela Chase. In high school, I thought I WAS her. Oh the angst, oh the memories…

    Cassies last blog post..Wedding Day shoes (and lack of)

    Comment by Cassie on May 25, 2008
  37. Wait? You didn’t have zits as a teenager? Ok, so who’s the real fucker? ha!

    Happy Belated Birthday. The 30’s are way cooler than the 20’s, I promise!

    Queen of Shake Shakes last blog post..Ok, So I’m Still Eating Like a Fucking Asshole

    Comment by Queen of Shake Shake on May 26, 2008

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