Monthly Archives: March 2008

The Story. the one y’all want to hear.

well, at least some of you…like Rae, and Angella, and Maria…you wanted to know how the husband and i got together….  (this is the only picture i can find online of us before we got married. we are BABIES. mmmm…Oreo O’s…) high school for me was about many things. my…

“i’m no stranger to heartbreak…”**

i should have known that when i opened up the floor for questioning, that someone would ask this. SciFi Dad said: Quid pro quo. What’s your most embarrassing story that you’re willing to share? it’s my own fault.  i asked him the VERY same question. embarrassment and i are like…

i’ve got answers…and a mug shot

wow. you guys have blown me away…and have given me at least a week’s worth of things to write about. I will probably start with the easy ones first…like Ambrosiality‘s and and Pampered Bunz‘s and Aimee Greeblemonkey‘s question of why I want a Nikon SLR and not a Canon. The…