Monthly Archives: May 2007

project: take back the furnace room

could also be called project: no more babies we have this room in our basement. the furnace room. it’s a huge room that begs to be used for storage. it has our furnace, sure, and our tools (well, the husbands tools since the only one i use in the screwdriver…and…


today is my birthday. the big 2-9. my mom called last night to wish me a happy birthday early, which, at first i thought was kinda rude…since she went on and on and on about how she couldn’t call me because she was going to be in meetings all day…

long weekends and tattoos (not mine, unfortunately)

my internet is super slooooooooooooooooooooooooow. has been the entire weekend. which means i’ve been, well, unplugged. no work, no email, no blogs, nothing. it’s so frustrating when you are watching a movie (the break-up) with a friend (tova) and you and discussing the guy that dresses like a Jcrew model and…