could also be called
project: no more babies
we have this room in our basement. the furnace room. it’s a huge room that begs to be used for storage. it has our furnace, sure, and our tools (well, the husbands tools since the only one i use in the screwdriver…and that always seems to be missing anyway), our luggage, and the baby stuff. the swing that went through two babies and didn’t get used more than thrice. the two infant car seats. the exersaucer. the bouncy chairs (yes, we have more than one) and the clothes. the clothes! i want to say it’s ludicrous how much clothing my spawn has accumulated over the years. but ludicrous? is the understatement of the year.
it’s like saying that Britney Spears can’t dress.
or that Jennifer Garner is a good mom
anyway, you get the point. giant rubbermaid tubs lined the walls. and when there was no more room….they just started getting thrown into the room, wherever they would go. in my mind, and in my old nanny’s mind, if it was in that room, it didn’t matter how much of a sty it was.
until the husband had to take the furnace guy into that room. and had to brave the baby stuff jungle.
i had been meaning to tackle the furnace room for a while. but i had been meaning to tackle lots of clutter-iferous places in our home. it’s just when the task feels so daunting…i don’t want any part of it. little jobs are easy….but the big ones? too time consuming! too much work!
but, i did it.
14 garbage bags of clothing to donate to goodwill.
3 garbage bags of clothing to give to friends for their children.
3 tubs of size 2 clothing for Isabella. (it was like hitting the jackpot. dresses. shorts. shirts. skirts. i didn’t remember that i had any of it….but looking at it brought on a rush of memories. of when Emily wore each piece. and of the pieces Emily rejected…since it was around 2 when Emily woke up and decided that she would ONLY wear skirts….oh, what a great phase that was…)
1 tub left.
everything else is gone.
i don’t want it in my house.
and then everyone says….don’t get rid of your stuff, what if you get pregnant by accident?
and to them -and to you – i say, if i get pregnant with my (godsend of an) IUD – it’s completely meant to be and i will enjoy buying – or borrowing – new clothing for that new little munchkin. but as of now….i feel so good. the room is CLEAN! it’s practically EMPTY!
and if anyone needs a nearly new swing…let me know, i can hook you up.