Monthly Archives: May 2007

like waiting for Christmas times a thousand…

edits below!! with video! i feel like Cartman this morning. i need a Wii. must. have. Wii. you see, the thing that i’ve always hated about the xbox is that, with the exception of Guitar Hero II, there really aren’t any games i like to play. i’m not into the…

13 of the best movie stoners

there are stoners everywhere in the entertainment world. there are the real-life stoners (like Lindsay Lohan and Robert Downey Jr. – i know, random, right? they were just the first that came to mind). there are the tv stoners (like everyone on that 70’s show and scooby and shaggy). there…

a question of etiquette

my gym is inside of a mall. i realized early on that this was both good and bad. good because i can run those little errands, such as visiting my favorite tailor (short people have favorite tailors, of course), or picking up diapers. bad because malls are too dangerous. putting me…