Monthly Archives: September 2006

Try to catch me ridin’ dirty.

okay…so, some poor employee of CTV is getting the old heave ho today. possibly as i write this, someone is getting fired. those of you who were watching ctv at 8 pm last night know EXACTLY what i’m talking about. i’m all set for Grey’s. I sit down. wait. i…

13 of the most NECESSARY baby products

So, last week I did the 13 most unnecessary baby products. Today i bring you my 13 all-time most fantabulous can’t-live-without products. I’m such a baby gear whore. 1. The MAM paci and the MAM paci clip. 2. Exersaucer. hours and hours of entertainment. which means a shower for mommy. and…

I’ve lost him to the dark side

I’ve officially lost my husband. Sure, I’ve lost him before. to FIFA. and Halo. and NHL. and Call of Duty. and Full Auto. I’ve giggled while he sat on our bed, talking to his friends on his little headset, plotting to take over the planet. I’ve laughed while he turned…