Monthly Archives: November 2005

perfect baby.. my arse…

everyone here is blown away by how perfect Isabella is. oh, they say, she never cries. she never fusses. she’s so amazing. yes, of course, she is. because she is being held 95% of the day. and she’s not sleeping at night either. but both those things aren’t anyone’s concern….

everything is personal…

~~oh, Gary is gone. everyone i like in this game has fallen prey to the Stephenie show….amy, brandon, bobby jon, and now gary. cripes. my god…he’s the best. he pointed out that Stephenie was running the show and when he called Judd out for lying. go gary! too bad he…

feelin’ groovy…

not exactly…but much, much better. isabella had a pretty good night, so i did as well. i don’t feel like my head is going to explode anymore. thank the lord. and it’s definitely not pink eye. but it was nasty, whatever it was. i’m looking forward to a gigantic thanksgiving…