Monthly Archives: August 2005

Bugger It

so, i decided to walk to the mall today. it’s only about a 10 minute walk. i had some stuff to return that my mom bought that’s just way too big and i need some t-shirts to cover my porn star boobs. i fed Isabella and off we went. she…

The return of the round-up…

…i know i’ve been kind of lax on my celeb gossip in the past two weeks…but it’s back. apparently, while i was in my own world having Isabella, i missed that: ~~ Jude Law is not only a cheater, but he has a small penis as well. i swear, this…

my baby is a freak of nature!!!

in a good way, of course! last night i fed her at midnight and then we went to sleep. she didn’t wake up until 6 am. that’s 6 hours folks! 6 hours!!! i, naturally, was up several times making sure she was still breathing, but she was sleeping so peacefully…