Monthly Archives: August 2005

no wonder my kids are loons

i came downstairs to discover my nanny giving them brownies. at 12:45 in the afternoon. without asking me first. cuz i would have said no.

memory lane-ing it at 2

so, last night i fed Isabella at 8:30, and then not again until 2:15. she’s seriously spoiling me! i searched desperately to find something good to watch at 2 am – something that would keep me alert during the feeding. i stumbled upon the movie Beaches…and stayed up until 4…

Crusty Stump…Be Gone!

i think it was Beth who first introduced me to the term ‘crusty stump’ but i can’t think of a better way to describe the icky thing. to me, it’s worse than the post-circumcision penis. but that’s just me. methinks the girl may have an outie. cripes. the truth is,…