as usual, it was a busy weekend at the Martells. I finally, finally got the chance to watch the husband play with his band. his Rock Band band…Giblet and the Polkas. (personally, i would have spelled it pulkas…but no one was asking me to give my yiddish opinion). It was a hilarious good time. I, of course, refused to play. i need practice time first without an audience.
we also were challenged to play Scene It on the Xbox. and i always accept a challenge. (well, almost always, but this was movie trivia, how could i say no??)
I found it way more stressful than fun. the husband and i kept pressing wrong buttons and who the heck knows anything about the movie 9-to-5, other than the fact that Dolly Parton’s boobs were perky and kind of erm, small?!
the husband and I came in a surprising second place…but only because we nailed the final set of questions…about Kramer vs. Kramer.
you had to watch a scene…the infamous ice cream scene…and then answer some questions. usually, the questions have nothing to do with the movie..”what brand was on the ice cream tub?” (answer = Schrafft’s)
which really has to do with keen eyes and not movie trivia… (but i will not steal Dana’s thunder. she is the Scene It xbox champ…but i would totally kick her ass in a quoting contest.)
I will admit, though, that i was a little distracted during the scene. the kid who played Billy – Justin Henry (we got that question right too…) – looks a ridiculous amount like my daughter Isabella.
it’s hard to tell from the photos here, but it’s kind of uncanny, and a little creepy, especially because this kid went on to be everyone’s favorite little brother…the one who has to ‘sleep under a chinaman named after a duck’s dork’. bwah.
anyone, anyone want to guess the movie? without using google? now that’s the real movie trivia challenge right there!
we, of course, visited the science centre again, and our passes have now paid for themselves.
Emily and i decided to make it tradition and we would take an “Emily and the wieners” photo every time we go. (yeah, it’s totally still funny)
you can see some more photos up on flickr, of course!
also…can you weigh in…what do you think of this hat? yay or nay? i’m still not 100% sold…but i loved it when i bought it at RW&Co. (love. that. store.)and it was a necessity since i didn’t have a chance to shower on sunday morning and my hair was a complete travesty.
come on over and say hi and my new digs on urbanmoms….Juice: Entertainment News with Extra Pulp. Today i’m dishing about Ashley Tisdale’s new nose…and other good rhinoplasty choices. i’m also doing a little housekeeping.
(please add Juice to your bloglines or google readers or whatever you might be using…i’ll be posting your entertainment news over there daily. come and see me!!)