i have successfully sold my first-ever item on ebay! I’m very excited about it.
i was sad to see Patrick Hall go home last night. i was hoping he’d stick around a little longer. i guess that’s what you get for singing melissa etheridge…when you’re a man.
i am so busy today it’s no normal. this morning i drove carpool, went to sobey’s to pick up some last minute things for tonight, came home, cooked my chicken, cooked my sweet potato pie (it’s in the oven right now), now i’m working on my manuscript for my new book on paramedics that’s going to design the first week of March (yay! i’m getting published again!) – it needs photo descriptions and a title. i need a title, please. then i have to go to emily’s morning school, drive carpool to her afternoon school, stay at her school to volunteer until 3, come home, finish cooking (i still have WAY too much to make), take a shower, bathe my kids and get them dressed….
yikes…there’s just not enough time!!
i’m having 2 couples for dinner and 7 kids (well, to be fair, three of them are my own)
why on earth did i agree to volunteer at emily’s school today? what was i thinking?