Every week Joshie begs me to come to his soccer games. For some reason, though, something always comes up and there’s always a reason i can’t go. With only two games left, i figured it was high time that i get my arse to a game. i mean, how can i legitimately call myself a soccer mom if i haven’t even watched my son play??
it was just about subzero (seriously, my father-in-law left early because he said he was hypothermic. no, i’m not kidding. he did say that. i was kidding about the subzero thing, though. but you got the point..it was too cold for the short sleeves we were wearing) and Josh threw himself a few (hundred) tantrums (likely the result of waking up at 6 am) and Josh spent most of his time sitting in the goal and not actually making any stops, but we had ourselves a great time. and it didn’t hurt that i was the hottest soccer mom there (that’s a joke. sort of)
*just in case any of you are wondering, Josh LOVES soccer…he was just having a sort-of off day. typical because it was the one day i actually came to watch him.
**also, Emily’s shirt? was bought for her by Nanny Heidi! she accidentally used a bleach pen on one of Emily’s shirts instead of a tide-to-go pen and it bleached it. how sweet is she that she went out and bought her a shirt??!!!