November 18 05

and we are all in one piece.

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Isabella’s 3 month check up went great. she’s almost 13 pounds. in the 60th percentile for height and weight and head. she’s such a porker!! and she’s exceeding expectations for a 3 month old. pure genius. he actually said to me, “i’m just confirming what you already know. she’s perfect.” and that, my friends, was a professional opinion 🙂

Joshie’s 3 year check up was also great. he clammed up and refused to show the dr. that he does, in fact, speak. i mean, seriously, i can’t really get the child to shut up. but, he was a trooper when he got his shot – didn’t even complain to tear up or anything. just sat there and stared at it. what a good boy!!

the only mishap of the visit was when isabella had been stripped down to her skivvies and we were waiting for the dr and all of a sudden the boy grabbed his butt and said, “i need to make a poo!” with great urgency. so, i left my naked baby with the receptionist and ran joshie down the hall to use the bathroom. i was trying to hurry him, but insisted that he needed some privacy. grr.

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