warning. this is random. mostly because i’m still having a panic attack from Isabella’s second round of barfage. bear with me.


  1. […] my sister thinks it all sounds very porn movie-esque. this is because she wasn’t the one caught parading down the hallway in her not-all-that-lovely birthday suit. and now, seeing Delicia and the other cleaning lady talking and whispering in Spanish is even worse than when the manicurists talk in korean while you are sitting right in front of them, even if Elaine Benes might disagree. Because when they are gawking and smiling and whispering and laughing…you know they are all “hahah! treinta y dos B!” […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » Incidents. the corn dog one. and the accidental nudity one. on September 7, 2009
  2. […] Happiness is taking your kids to a night of the Braves and some hot dogs and some fireworks and watching your son made a total buffoon of himself to try to get on the jumbotron again. […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » Happiness is not just a warm gun on September 14, 2009
  3. […] Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » the guitar-toting, toothless … […]

    Pingback by Adult Nun Halloween Costume | Sexy Nun Halloween Costume on September 18, 2009
  4. […] (Fine, I DID take a bath once and seriously enjoyed it…even though it totally goes against my feelings about getting wet) […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » sometimes I hate things on principle. and I channel my inner 90s. on September 23, 2009
  5. […] « confession #527 […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » I guess they are all ready for next year’s atoning. on September 28, 2009

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