ince we finished watching Six Feet Under last month, we have been debating over what show to start watching next. my vote was for Dexter. or The Wire. The husband’s vote was for Oz.
(Isabella had put a vote in for Yo Gabba Gabba, but her vote SO didn’t count, especially since she spent all night last night barfing. while the husband was out playing hockey. and was unreachable. of course. i had a full-fledged panic attack before he came home. also? am officially the worst mother in the world.)
So, since we are both stubborn as balls, we decided to take a different route and watch the James Bond movies. from the very beginning. We laughed our way through Dr. No…but not because we didn’t like it.
we did. i mean, Sean Connery IS James Bond (i mean, you are saying it right now with a hint of a Scottish twang…Jamesh Bond, right?) but mostly because of how DIRTY James Bond is. He is a DOG. to every woman he’s all “Tell me Miss Trench, do you play any other games?” oh, and also, they had some sort of problem getting actual Asians to play certain Asian parts, so they used MAKEUP on some of the women’s eyes to make them APPEAR Asian. bwahahah.
We LOVED From Russia With Love….and we are now watching Goldfinger. and the husband thinks it’s hysterical when i have my ah hah moments…“so THAT’S where Austin Powers gets it from!” i mean, i always knew that the character was loosely based on the 007 character. British Intelligence. the women…with the names like Alotta Fagina (hi. i’m giggling. hi. i’m 12) and the hairy chest. but it’s ridiculous. EVERY single thing in Austin Powers was lifted from a Bond movie.
i mean…look familiar?
and now that i’ve totally bored you to tears with my current obsession with James Bond…
i’ll tell you about some more old school movies. and obsessions. Remember when i went to see “A Chorus Line” and kind of sort of didn’t like it? as Arica put it, “i felt…nothing” but i absolutely loved the movie. it was one of those, well, institutions in our house. My siblings and i are products of four working parents. we were raised by nannies and holocaust surviving grandparents….so, we had two things to keep us busy…our tv and our vcr. we watched a LOT of movies. we watched movies until the tape on the vhs tape wore down and rendered it unplayable (for all you youngins out there…we used to watch movies on TAPE!). A chorus line was up there with our favorites. So, on Saturday night, Tova, Ilana and I watched the movie. (Tova had NEVER seen it! the horror!)
because no one has watched the movie in at least a decade, no Blockbuster in the city was carrying it on DVD. so, of course, i downloaded it in torrent form.
in Italian.
because i’m awesome.
(luckily the husband was able to work his fancy magic and fix it so we could watch)
and you know what?
it totally held up. i was smiling through the entire thing. i remembered every single scene. every song. every outfit. except, i totally didn’t remember the giant crotch packages that were on display. EW.
and you know what else Tova had never seen??
my gosh. just LOOK at Michael Jackson! i LOVE that he says he likes what he looks like. um, okay. i TOTALLY believe him…
also, at dinner on Sunday night, there was a challenge to come up with a top ten favorite movie list. The deal is there’s no judging allowed (that was mostly aimed at me, since i’m a total music judger). This was very difficult. because my list would be long and lengthy. I’m a movie LOVER and i love so many for so many different reasons. but, i had to come up with ten. so…here it is, in no particular order:
Almost Famous
Pulp Fiction
Fight Club
On the Waterfront
Godfather, part II
Usual Suspects
Silence of the Lambs
Stand By Me