my day officially started at 1 o’clock. in the a.m. when miss bella decided to wake up. for the day. to be fair to her, she was boiling hot with fever when i put her to sleep, so i should have known my night would be a long one. but, i got distracted by my laptop and this blanket i’m working on and my winsor pilates dvds and the scrubs clip show. i have no idea how i missed this when it was first aired…but it was so hilarious, i watched it twice. (yes, i’m a big loser. we know this already. but scrubs is so fucking funny).
anyway, isabella was up. which meant i was up too. we watched diego 4 times. dora twice. max and ruby once and i can’t even count how many times we watched the same wonderpets episode (this. is. sewious). at just after six, i lost it, put her in her crib and unplugged the monitor. and had a full 30 minutes of blissful sleep. oh, yeah.
this morning i made a detour to starbucks and ordered a giant latte. it’s going to be a long one. quite possibly a three coffee day.
thank god it’s friday.
i know this wasn’t much of a post, but until this latte works its magic, i got nothing. actually, i do have a new hot topic friday post up at fabulous. today we’re discussing the continental airlines flight attendant who kicked a mom and her son off a plane last month. it’s a good one.