the three pounds i gained in three days were entirely worth it.
wanna know why?
because that there…that’s Dennis Rodman. he was eating at Goldfish. and so were we. it’s sad that i get excited about seeing quasi-celebrities when my sister lives in NYC and parties with Nigel Barker and the entire cast of the Sopranos. (even if she called Pussy “uncle Pussy”…which to me just sounds all kinds of wrong…)
and that there…that’s us at Cheesecake Factory. (we managed to eat there TWICE in three days. awe.some.)
and that there…that’s me and Tova in my dad’s porsche. windblown. and totally sex-ay.
yes, folks. it was a GREAT three days in Atlanta with Tova and Frye. but way too short. there just wasn’t enough time. we did manage to eat and shop, which were the only real priorities. you can see the rest of the set on flickr, of course. (photos are curtesy of Tova’s camera, since my battery died on day 1)