go on…take a stab. anyone? anyone? Bueller?
they are, of course, the Abercrombie skinny jean. the jean i swore i would never wear. that was, of course, until i tried the suckers on (well, i was forced. damn you, Charna…) and they made me look smokin’ hot. i swear. they were PERFECT.
you can say what you will, but my jewish chubb thighs, for the first time since i can recall, looked SKINNY. skinny! (like, Rachel Bilson skinny)and if not for the $90 price tag, i would have bought them too. but, lest you worry, they are now at the top of my Chrismukah list.
just please, oh please, no matter how much i beg, do not allow me to tease my hair and wear shirts with shoulder pads and sequins. or this…don’t let me do this:
(i like Rachel Bilson…but not that much)