so, just this week i devoted an entire post to telling you just how unlucky i am. i never win anything. i can’t even roll up the rim and win at Tim Hortons. i can’t even win a stinkin’ coffee.
(note: not my fingers. i do not wear thumb rings. as if.)
BUT…i won! i won! i won! i won! i won! i won something!
on Wednesday night i went to this all-women’s charity dinner. I wasn’t planning to go, but a few of my friends were on the planning committee, and i didn’t want to let them down. And the dinner itself seemed like something i would enjoy. They brought in Chef Jeff Nathan who is the chef at Abigael’s in NYC to do a cooking demonstration. I love me some Foodtv, so this was right up my alley.
also…a night of not having to give the kids dinner and do their homework with them and put them to bed sounded like heaven to me.
you’re waiting to hear what i won, aren’t you??? Well, i won $100 to a resaurant and $500 to Mirvish, which means that even though i paid $100 to be there, i walked away with $600 in prizes.
Take that, Timmy’s. i don’t need your stinkin’ free coffee (actually, i really, really do. so forget what i said. pretty please!)
note to Jeff Probst. i hate you. This season of Survivor sucks. so bad. it’s hard for me to even watch it. that is all. You can’t learn from Ryan Seacrest who brings Borat on the show? seriously…if you dropped Borat in for a visit to Fiji, i promise i’ll sit through the rest of the season.
American Idol
i can’t say i’m sorry to see Jared or Antonella go. i’m sure it won’t be the last we see of her…i’m sure there’s lots more washing the floors in her underwear Antoiletta Antonella to be seen.
Haley should have been gone over Sabrina. maybe the fans didn’t like her 1984 hair? and did anyone catch her psycho scary pissed-as-hell face when she got the boot? creep factor was WAY high right there.
Sanjaya IS Kevin Covias AS John Stevens IN “Wtf: A Musical.” hahahahaha!
this is the most uninspiring top 12. ever. i forecast a Melinda Doolittle vs. Lekisha smackdown final 2.