This past Friday was my day off. If by “day off” you actually mean spending the hours between 9am and 2pm at your children’s school listening to 6 different teachers tell you just how different each of your three kids are. It’s pretty unbelievable, actually.
So different, these three.
Emily is the leader, the socializer, the performer.
Josh is the thinker, the loner, the think-outside-the-boxer.
Isabella is the artist, the creative one, the class clown…in a giant tutu.
Isabella is such a pleasure to have in class. She’s lovely, she’s smart, she’s funny, she’s well-liked. But, you know, THOSE TUTUS. They are a little, um, distracting. Can you possibly consider, maybe, not allowing her to wear them to school?
No ma’am. I cannot consider this.
She comes by it honestly.
Sorry, teachers. We pick our battles in our house, and we choose not to fight the genetics (or the moonlight, for that matter).
I guess they should be thankful we aren’t fighting about yoga pants. (bazinga!)