holy shitpants**
the monster has escaped. the t-rex is loose!
our usual morning routine..for as long as i can remember…was Isabella calling from her room..”Mama! I’m awake! come and get me! i wanna watch (s)Toy Story! i needa make a peepee! I want some chockomilk!”
last night, however, this ALL changed.
I was minding my own business, enjoying a lovely perfect evening alone with the Lakers/Celtics game (awe.some. now, let’s make this clear, i’m not a HUGE Celtics fan- although i DO want to stuff Leon Powe into my pocket and take him home and make him dinner. something – i really just want the Lakers to suffer, since they knocked the Spurs out of the playoffs…)
and with So You Think You Can Dance (Katee and Joshua! love love love)
and trying to figure out which i prefer…plurk or twitter (am still undecided)
and with season 2 of How I Met Your Mother
and with a grande nonfat one splenda iced latte (or is it??)
and then i heard a noise. a strange thump. and then a creak.
and then i found this.
a little half-asleep monster, deliriously walking down the steps. circa 10pm. so, i picked her up, put her back in her bed and closed the door. lather, rinse, repeat, circa 10:30pm.
oh, joy of joys. bugger knows how to open her door. i need a drink.
**not to be confused with this shitpants