If you saw me at BlogHer, I may have handed you one of these little numbers.
But what you may not have seen was this here fine print:
Yes. You read that right. Director of Content. Also known as Editorial Director. Of UrbanMoms.ca. No, this isn’t a horrific Moo cards printing error you see before you. Instead what you are looking at are my new business cards. Real business cards. For my brand-spanking new JOB. A full-time job as a part of the UrbanMoms team. And I am telling you guys, I have a perma-smile on my face.
When I left for Atlanta almost exactly a year ago, I left an office job that I loved, but at the time I was under the assumption that I would be doing that same office job, just from the comforts of my home office in Atlanta, and then when we returned back to Toronto a year later I would be returning back to the office. And this went swimmingly for the first few months. But then the work stopped coming. It went from 40 hours a week to 30 hours a week to 20 hours a week and by December, it had dwindled to, well, nothing. NOTHING. My lovely job and my lovely salary (that my family depended on) were practically non-existent, which, you know, is always fun, especially when it happens around the holidays.
When all of this was happening, all I could think was, MY GOD, I am the luckiest girl in the world. The universe has freed up all of this time so I could visit Miss Anissa in her hospital room, and then her nursing home, and then her rehab, and then her home. I had the time to bring her pictures of the Aiming Low crew to decorate her room. I had the time to visit the p.o. box and bring her all the presents and letters and gift cards and signed pictures from the Karate Kid himself to fill her heart with glee. And speaking of glee, not having work coming in meant that Anissa and I were able to have hospital room Glee dance parties. I did the dancing, she did the mocking.
And then all I could think was, MY GOD, I am the luckiest girl in the world. The universe has freed up all of this time for me and my kids. Anissa had a stroke. She was a total friggin’ rockstar and was not only a survivor, she was a superhero. But it really stopped me and made me wonder that if something like this could happen to someone so young; someone with three young children; someone like ME…what’s stopping something like this from actually happening to ME? And maybe I wouldn’t be a superhero, even though I do look ridiculously good in tights and a cape. I couldn’t help but realize that we only get one shot at this thing we call LIFE and our younglings are only young for such a short time and I want to spend as much time with them as I can. I want to KNOW them and their friends and their teachers and be at every single recital, no matter how small. I want to pick them up and drop them off.
But, I like working.
(And, you know, the paycheck doesn’t hurt either. hello, mortgage)
And then Jen from UrbanMoms called.
And I jumped.
Nay, I leaped at this chance.
I have the chance to do something I love at an online magazine I stand behind 100%, the chance to do something I am good at, something that makes me deliriously happy, something I can do without spending the hours of 8-4 in the confines of a cubicle, something I think might just be the best job I ever have.