i sleep with my left eye slighty open.
yes, it’s true. i’m a freak.
and, apparently, a freak that has passed down her genetic gifts to her lovely daughter. (while Isabella fell asleep on our bed on Sunday morning, her father and i pointed and photographed her left eye that was. slightly. open.) i couldn’t pass on my green eyes, eh? she had to get the freaky half-open eye thing????!!
my typical sleep position is kind of a bizarre one. one that’s not even listed on the sleep-position chart. (shut up, you know you’ve googled it too)
anyhoo…i’m none of these. but i do enjoy laughing at all of them.
i sleep half on my side and half on my stomach, with one leg up, sort-of kind-of fetal-like. but only one leg. holy weird random fact: my sister sleeps like this too. (cue twilight zone music now)
i’ve been told that this is possibly the WORST position to sleep in. bad for your back, for your neck, for your head. so, i’ve decided to change my bad sleeping ways and attempt to sleep on my back. if it’s good for pregnant ladies everywhere, it must be good for me. WRONG. sucks. there’s something, erm, snuggly about sleeping with your arms tucked around a pillow and having a blanket pulled all the way up to your face. on your back…this is impossible. my head gets bobbly and where do i put my hands? down by my side? al-bundy-like?
so, last night i tried the fetal position. apparently, this is the best for you. and i was able to cuddle with my pillow (since i don’t cuddle with the husband in bed. no way. dude, my sleep area is a no-contact zone) but my knees! dear god, my knees. do i just have really knobby knees? or do you put something between them to keep from the pain? a pillow? your hands?
how do you sleep? is there another position i should try? or should i just go back to sleeping the way it’s comfortable for me and deal with the neck and back pain later?
i mean, if does, after all, give me something to blame everything on. oh, i have a headache…must be the way i slept. my side hurts…must be the way i slept. i ate 84 cakesters…definitely, because of the way i slept. see? easy.
(also…total side note unrelated to anything. why do i love Sarah Silverman so…but the actual Sarah Silverman program blows????)
i’m easily distracted….must be the way i slept.