When I moved to Canada, I worked out a very elaborate cross-border shopping solution, so I could continue to shop at my favorite stores that hadn’t come to Canada yet, or did ship to Canada, but had astronomical duties and fees to get to my home. No joke, I once bought a bathing suit that was a steal at $11, but I had to pay $43 in duties when the delivery man showed up at my door. Real steal.
My parents and siblings live all over the map — the north, the midwest, the south, the west coast. So, I figured out where I was going to be visiting next, and I just shipped all of my purchases there. Sometimes there’s an issue about using a Canadian credit card to ship to the US (Looking at you, LOFT) which required some paypal forwarding and borrowing a loved one’s US credit card #. Elaborate. And annoying, to be honest.
This is why I celebrate every time a favorite store begins shipping to Canada with low fees and no strings attached.
You see, I need the option of online shopping — I have three kids (two who would rather go to the dentist than the mall) and a full-time job.
I am just a wee bit over-the-moon that Carter’s | OshKosh B’gosh Canada recently launched their new site — that not only allows me to use my Canadian credit card and pay in CAD, but all orders will be shipped for a flat rate of $8. No $43 in duties here, folks.
This year I tried to keep the back-to-school crazy to a minimum (tried) so I did everything I could online. I bought their thermoses and lunchboxes and waterbottles online. I bought their backpacks online.
And I bought some clothes too.
I asked the kids for their input, because I know better than to try to predict what they will like. And here’s what they came up with. Not too shabby, those kids of mine, eh? Clearly they have better clothing taste than…The President Of The United States? (#YesWeTan) And the prices are pretty great too — $7.50 leggings, $8 long-sleeved shirts, and don’t even get me started on the boots that I wish came in my size because, well, just look at them.
Isabella’s Back-To-School Picks
I cannot wait for my package to arrive in the mail.
And now I want to give one of YOU the chance to order something for your kids! I’m giving away a $50 gift card to Carter’s|OshKosh B’gosh.
Your comment here officially enters you. I will be choosing a random winner at 5 pm on Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014. Contest is only open to Canadians. Sorry, my US and international friends.
Disclosure Statement: Carter’s | OshKosh B’gosh partnered with bloggers such as me to help promote their back-to-school season. As part of the program, I received products or gift cards. Carter’s believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Carter’s provided me with information on promotions and messaging concepts, but did not tell me what to purchase or what to write in my blog or what to say about the products I used. The winner of any giveaway in this program will be randomly chosen and gift card fulfillment will be handled by a third party.
{Contest is closed. Congrats to Hillary!}