March 2 16

I’m in Orlando this week, spending a few days {well} outside of my comfort zone.


If you know me at all, you know that of course when ten people who are all going to the same conference show up at the airport desk to catch the shuttle to the hotel, of course I am the only one of the group that they don’t have in the system. Of course. Luckily, I am not prone to panic. OH WAIT YES I AM. Luckily, I am actually quick on my feet and I do like puzzles and made it to my hotel just fine by hitching a ride in a town car. (It’s probably best that you don’t ask.)

I had about 8 minutes to relax in Orlando (The sun is shining here! I can see Disney from my hotel room!) before I was handed a primo seat behind the velvet-curtained AV desk between the amazing sound guy and the awesome lighting girl, a giant 147-page run of show, three computer screens, a fancy headset (Thing I actually said into said fancy headset: “Bobby, we are go for PC 2”), and a heck of a lot of responsibility.

Screen Shot 2016-03-02 at 11.04.10 AM

Also, I was handed a Marriott conference fairy named Philip, who brought me copious amounts of venti Starbucks lattes.



(0:600 elevator shots. What’s the o stand for? Oh my god it’s early.)

I will skip right to the spoiler alert: I DID IT. 

(and now, lucky you, I can shut up about it. And totally add “conference planner” to my resume.)

Sure, there were a few hiccups. I played the opening slide of the wrong presentation before quickly switching to the right one and someone kicked a screen out of place and we had to make a last-minute change in our awards show. Sure, there was not a lot of sleep and a lot of missed meals and even a few panicky/barfy moments.

But I did it.

I really didn’t think I was going to.

But by last night I was laughing with the AV guys and participating in what I’d affectionately like to call: Three screens, one vodka soda.


And now I’m going to see about some sunshine before I have to go back lousy Smarch weather in Toronto.

Assuming I can get on the damn shuttle.



  1. Of course you did! I knew you would! Also, I’ve had to run conferences before, of like 10 people and that was stressful enough! You’re a ROCK STAR!

    Comment by Kristabella on March 2, 2016
  2. You amaze me every single day. I am so proud of you!!!!! Xoxo

    Comment by Charna on March 2, 2016

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