argh…i’m already angry this morning because i created this entire post, and wouldn’t you know it, it’s floating somewhere in the blogger atmosphere with all the other lost posts. grrr…
well, here it is. me at 32 weeks:
the big ole’ belly. it’s actually depressing me today. it’s unbelievable how rhinocerous-like i’m feeling these days. i can’t breathe, i’m definitely peeing more, and i just feel HUGE!!
now, to give you a little perspective, here is a refresher for you:
30 weeks:
26 weeks:
23 weeks:
20 weeks:
and while i wait…and wait…and wait..for my dad to send me my 4d ultrasound pics, i attempted to photograph my television set while i had my video on pause. it didn’t work quite as well as i’d hoped. the babe looks slightly mangled and weird – i promise, it’s a whole lot cuter than this photo.