March 3 05

  1. I say yes. Women don’t get a paunch like that without putting weight on elsewhere unless they are preggo. Men yes, women no.

    Now, if she had a paunch and her but and thighs were so big she couldn’t wear corduroys for fear of causing a fire, I might guess non-preggers.

    But I say preggers.

    Comment by Sean on March 3, 2005
  2. I want to say yes, but that’s a scary thing to say about someone you don’t know… It could just be a really unfortunate choice of outfit causing the “billow”

    Comment by This Girl I Used to Know on March 3, 2005
  3. Preggo. She is usually so thin that a bump like that would indicate a new little one. BUT, I have been fooled before. Not often though! 😉

    Comment by Queen Of Pink on March 3, 2005
  4. looks like she is and it looks like she is accentuating it. why else wear such an outfit?

    Comment by carrie on March 3, 2005
  5. looks like she is and it looks like she is accentuating it. why else wear such an outfit?

    Comment by carrie on March 3, 2005
  6. She’s with child. Why wear that print if not to distract us from her belly?

    Comment by Tisha from Texas on March 3, 2005

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