~~ in a very Billy Crudup-y move, Denise Richards, who is 6 months pregnant with husband Charlie Sheen’s baby, has filed for divorce, citing “irreconcilable differences.”
~~ and in a very Donald Trump-y move (aka “The Donald”), Bill Gates changes his name to “The Gates.” ha!
Ah! I can’t get enough of the not-so-flattering Britney pictures….makes me feel better about being pregnant…
Did anyone else notice that Johnny Depp dressed up as Jamie Foxx dressed up as Ray Charles for the Oscars? (thanks Goldenfiddle)
~~ in a somewhat upsetting American Idol vote off, we said goodbye to David Brown. ah. i’m so bummed. he was so awesome. and we also said farewell to 3 people i won’t miss – celina rae, aloha, and joseph murena. but, i ask…how the hell is Janay still in this competition? she needs to be kicked to the curb. fast.