It really doesn’t get much better than this. No. Josh is so funny. I sit with him every night while he does his homework, and there really is no question that this kid, well, marches to his own drummer. When he sits down to do a math sheet, maybe a page of 50 simple subtraction problems, it takes him about 8 seconds to do the entire sheet. But, the bizarre thing is, he doesn’t fill in the sheet the way his anal mother would. I would go in order…filling in the first row, left to right, and then go down to the second row. My son, on the other hand, is much more a free spirit. He will jump around the page in a totally random, all-over-the-place nonorder. And he never carries ones or anything…no. All his math is done in his head. Where the heck does he get that from. (Cough. His mother still counts on her fingers. Cough.)
Wired differently, this child.
He is seven and reads at a level U. And if you look at this here handy dandy chart, that’s 5th/6th grade. And he reads at leasta novel a night. This is where he is, most nights at around midnight…
and yet he got kicked out of Reading Enrichment. Kicked Out. For NOT being prepared. It seems that he reads the assigned material too quickly and then reads 18 books before they get around to discussing the book and then he forgets what that book was about. So he got kicked out. awesome.
He watches a tv show or movie or hears a song ONE TIME and can recite, by memory, every word uttered, every line sung, every joke told. But yet some nights he can’t remember to bring his homework home. It’s a simple task, really. One that’s required of him every single day of his life, but some days he just plum forgets.
It takes him hours to get ready to go anywhere and don’t even get me started on how long it takes us to find his goddamn shoes every. single. morning. and while I’m standing at the door telling him that I am about to leave, he gives me gems like this:Â Alright, Mommy, I’m coming! Keep your pantyhose on! And yet. If you tell him it’s time for karate, he’s in his gi faster than Mr. Miyagi can catch a fly with his chopsticks.
He’s an enigma, this one.
I don’t understand him. But I don’t really care…because, good god, he is such a ridiculously awesome kid, quirks and all.