Happy Canada Day to you and yours.
typically, this is how I like to enjoy Canada Day. with sun and with coffee and with ZERO things to do. Unfortunately, since I am moving to another country in 11 days, most of yesterday was spent shuttling my children to and from play dates, moving furniture out of the house, trying to figure out how I was going to eat my bowl of cookie crisp without actually have access to any, um, BOWLS and packing more boxes. oh, and packing more boxes.
Oh, and I totally thought it was Sunday the entire day yesterday and managed to totally miss So You Think You Can Dance, and wah, I’m not happy about it.
Oh, and my heart nearly exploded out of my chest when I put Free To Be You and Me on for the kids and they sat, wide-eyed and smiled, through the whole thing and then asked me to put it back on. Emily was still singing it this morning.
Oh, and I did make time to spend a good 25 minutes online with Ilana, googling the differences between breakfronts and china cabinets and buffets and hutches. you know, the important stuff in life. I guess it was probably a mistake when I said, “So, this dude is coming tomorrow to pick up the breakfront…” to which Ilana said, “what in the hell is a breakfront?”
Oh, and apparently, my daughter has been secretly learning how to instant message because I finally g0t a webcam for my laptop and finally installed my very own skype account (yay!) and Miss Emily now im’s me from the other laptop (all the livelong day) and tells me things like “I’m SO hungry, feed me woman!!” and “you are the coolest person I know” and then at one point she asked me a really weird question about my feet…
Oh, and our friends made us a little swimming party last night, but, well, it was freezing and, well, half of the people couldn’t make it because of funerals and vacations and fevers and well, better parties (the nerve, right? relax, I kid). but it was really nice, and I only had to hear from nine different people that while I may *think* I’m coming back to Toronto next July, everyone else seems to know better and they *know* that I’m not ever coming back.
Oh, and I did sign Josh up for little league next year (operation Ali and Josh is already in effect!) and I did get him some super rad basketball shoes that totally made the husband drool because he never had shoes that awesome.
Oh, and I got thrown into the pool in what was possibly the most staged “Ali in the pool! Ali in the pool!” event ever. because when Jack said that they were totally going to throw me into the pool, I was all, WAIT! hold the phone, let me take off my cardigan and my necklace and my shoes. AND! because I have serious nose issues, I have to hold my nose while jumping into pools.
(don’t ask)
but, I knew that no one would have thought I’d ever let that happen (those were good jeans and I had totally just blown my hair dry and do you know how long that takes?!) (also, hi! I’m Ali! I’m a control freak) so Jack swooped me up and made it happen before I had the chance to realize that swimming in jeans? not so fun. also? I do a hell of a lot of screaming in this video (don’t ask)
wow. this is way more embarrassing that I’d originally thought…