i need this.
(i bet you thought it was going to be something a little less gadget-oriented, eh? well, clearly, you don’t know me. i’m a techno-gadget-needing freak. remember when i NEEDED an ipod touch? and a wii? and a new camera? and a new laptop? i can’t help it, i’m my father’s daughter…only i didn’t need a laserdisk player like he did. bwah)
i know what you’re thinking…trust me, i’ve heard all the arguments before..
women don’t even answer their cell phones. (did you ever think that maybe i’m not answering on purpose?) you have an ipod touch. you can check your email on that. (oh, wait, slow down. sure, i could. if i could ever find me some wifi that works. so far, the only two reliable places in this city are in the parking lot at my kids’ school and in my own driveway) it’s expensive. (come on. surely it can’t be that expensive. private school tuition is expensive. this is a mere blip.)
you don’t need it. okay, this one may be true. i don’t need it. i REALLY don’t NEED it.
but i sure want it. i want to be able to pin my friends to tell them that the technician couldn’t flipping find my appendix on the ultrasound. and i want to be able to check my work and personal emails all the time – they are VERY important, you know. and i want to be able to update my twitter friends that i’m at the health card office and a homeless dude just came and sat down next to me. and use the internet. (i can’t even tell you how many times i need access to imdb.com during the day…trust me. it’s a lot) and did i mention the pretty? it’s just so pretty. and the camera. so i don’t have to swear and wish i had a camera when the old lady with the blue hair – with a finger in each nostril- crosses the street.
fuck this. why do i NEED to NEED it? i’m 30! i’m employed (thrice over, actually)! i’m an independent woman! i should just go out and buy one! and this just isn’t going to cut it anymore…
(but, then again, remember how i almost got divorced when i bought my wii??)
(what kind of phone do you have? do you love it? hate it? do you covet the blackberry like i do?)
(oh, ps, i’m having a contest over at my Juice site! it’s for a Luminato prize pack worth almost $200! come on over and enter! all you have to do is guess where my first touristy Toronto visit was!)
(oh, also, thanks for being worried for me yesterday. xray was clear..and my iud is properly in place. awesome. and the results of the ultrasound were inconclusive…since they couldn’t find my appendix. so, i went for bloodwork this morning. and i choked up trying to give a urine sample. the pressure! i feel like i’m on House!)