I’m now officially a disgruntled parent. I raced Emily out of the house this morning. She had orientation at 9:15 at school. I figured if i got there at 8:30, i’d have plenty of time to find a parking spot and take some shots of her outside her new school. I even put my make-up on in the car this morning…that’s how determined i was to be there early.
Little did i know that 8:30 was NOT early enough. there were dozens of mini-vans everywhere and not a single parking spot to be found. the school parking lot is a mess. And why don’t moms know how to park their minivans??? is it that hard to fit your car into a single spot without reversing 80 times???!!! cripes.
To give you some sort of time-line for how long we were circling – we pretty much were able to listen the entire Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. The entire thing!
Heaven help me. That stressed me out.
But Emily was soo good. she was a little bit shy in the beginning, but once they brought out the arts and crafts, she was in heaven. She made a shofar (ram’s horn that you blow on Rosh Hashanah). She told her daddy that she made a trombone! What a cutie!