What I will miss about living in Toronto: having leafs tickets.
What I will not miss about it: having to know someone to get Leafs tickets.
What I will miss about living in Toronto: my morning commute with the Dean Blundell Show
What I miss not miss about it: my morning commute
What I will miss about living in Toronto: wearing toques in the winter
What I miss not miss about it: having to wear a toque in the winter
What I miss about living in Toronto: smarties and wunderbars
What I will not miss about it: smarties and wunderbars congregating around my midsection
What I miss about living in Toronto: living across the street from a mall
What I will not miss about it: living across the street from a mall that doesn’t have a J.Crew or an Anthropologie or a DSW or a Victoria’s Secret
What I will miss about living in Toronto: Tim Horton’s
What I miss not miss about it: the lack of Dunkin’ Donuts
What I will miss about living in Toronto: having Dr. Jack at my fingertips (also…free health care!)
What I miss not miss about it: having Dr. Steve at my fingertips, under the same roof
What I will miss about living in Toronto: the subway
What I miss not miss about it: people who fart on you on the subway and mistakenly offering UNpregnant women your seats.
What I will miss about living in Toronto: my friends-as-family. our sunday night dinners. going to Cityline. having a theater subscription with the Opps (and SALAD KING). all of the kids’ friends. my friends-as-family. the ACTUAL family. my little cubicle with the window at which occasionally scary shirtless men dangle. the editorial team. people making fun of my accent. debating with fry. RW&Co. Jacob. Yorkville. The St. Lawrence Market. JoeBoo’s wings. The Toronto Film Festival. my friends-as-family. israeli salad plate runs. lululemon. the Toronto bloggers.