well, since i’m still trying to recover from some residual stomach gnomes that are shredding my innards (see? who needs Jillian Michaels and her 30-day-shred? MY body shreds itself. awesome) and just thinking about food makes my stomach turn (which really sucks because i had to go back to the toast and water diet and i REALLY need coffee to, you know, FUNCTION, and i really need to eat the chocolate and caramel popcorn that showed up at my desk from a photo researcher who clearly knows the way to my heart. YUM. but clearly doesn’t know that i’m dying from some sort of awful plague that has befallen on casa de martell and so she doesn’t know that the popcorn just sits and TAUNTS me all the livelong day. boo!) i figured in lieu of, well, an actual post, i’d just give you the recipe you’ve all been begging for
Doris’ Homemade Reese Cups
1 lb. butter or margarine
28Â ounces Peanut Butter
2 boxes icing sugar (sifted)
Paraffin wax (3/4 of a cake, usually)
1-12 oz. bag milk chocolate chips and 1- 12oz. bag peanut butter chips
Melt butter. mix sugar, peanut butter and butter. roll into balls, meatball style. Freeze and take out a few balls at a time to dip.
Melt paraffin with chocolate and peanut butter chips in a double boiler; keep hot.
Dip balls into chocolate mixture, using toothpicks or a two-prong fork; place on waxed paper. place pecan over the hole from the toothpick or fork. Store in tightly sealed containers. Will keep indefinitely in the refrigerator…or until you EAT THEM ALL!
beware: these are highly addictive.
ps. many of you have asked about the kitchen. it’s NOT mine. it belongs to my stepmom and dad. and actually looks a lot more like this now…
my kitchen, apparently, doesn’t like to be photographed, since this picture is from more than TWO YEARS AGO. and clearly, my hair doesn’t like to be brushed. heh.