so, i always schedule my OB appointments for 2pm, right when they all come back from lunch. it’s seemed to work the best for me, and it means that i get to leave work early, which is always a plus.
i always get there a few minutes early. they don’t open the doors until about 1:55, so i get there at about 1:50. this is strategic. if i’m the first one in line waiting to get into the room, i’m the first one to check in, and therefore, i’m the first one to see the doctor.
so, yesterday, i got there at my usual 1:50. a woman and her mother showed up a minute or so later. naturally, one would assume, that i would be first in line. i was there first. but, when they opened up the door, the woman raced in to be the first in line. so, she checked in ahead of me, and looked at me with a little “ha! I won” smirk on her face.
i sat down and pulled out my People magazine. i wasn’t going to let her ruin my day.
and then, it was like magic.
“Alicia?” they called me in first. imagine what that did to her little smirk.