May 10 05

~~Renee Zellweger sure moves fast. The Oscar-winner, 36, and country star Kenny Chesney, 37, got hitched yesterday on St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The couple has only known each other for four months!! You think Renee has gone the way of Britney and Jennifer Garner???

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~~So, Oprah reveals her “deep, dark secret”: “Stedman and I have a daughter. She has issues and I think it’s my fault.” The audience gasps and she puts a gigantic picture up of her dog, folks. Her freakin’ dog.

~~ I can’t figure out what’s more disturbing. The fact that she’s wearing a jumpsuit to begin with, or the fact that she’s paired it with turquoise heels??!!
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~~ Watch as Paula Abdul makes an even bigger ass of herself…


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