When I signed Josh up for fall baseball, I had the best intentions of being the very best single mother of a mini baseball player to ever be. And I was. I really was. I had it down to the science. We brought Gatorade and so many snacks (that people probably thought my kids moonlight in Sally Struthers commercials). We brought sticker books and crayons and markers and leapsters and iphones and enough to keep Isabella and Emily mostly occupied.
We brought hoodies for the cold days.
And watched as they turned him into a catcher.
and took MANY, MANY pictures.
So, obviously, now that Spring ball is upon us, I had the same plans – to once again be  the very best single mother of a mini baseball player to ever be.
ONLY, well, erm, it’s, well, not so much.
Yesterday, we gathered up all the gear. We got the Gatorade. We got the snacks. We got the coloring books and markers and crayons and leapster. We filled Josh’s baseball bag with his bat and batting helmet. We got him into his gear, including his cup and jock (which, I guess, is now too small. Who knew that a second grader’s junk grows that much in 4 months? Not his mom, apparently) and cleats and made it down to the field. We hit up the International Field all ready for some awesome Rock Hound action. Only, there were no Rock Hounds to be found. There were about 18 teams playing yesterday, but, um, not Josh’s.
Game is Wednesday. Not Tuesday.
Of course it is.
Today, we gathered up all the gear. We got the Gatorade. We got the snacks. We got the coloring books and markers and crayons and leapster. We were about to fill Josh’s bag and get ready to go and then we were all, “Hold the phone, folks! It has been raining all day! Surely the field is going to be wet! Surely I can’t bring two little girls to sit in the rain…they don’t even have raincoats! Surely the game will be canceled!” So, we didn’t go.
Game was on. Not canceled.
Of course it was.
I fail at being BaseballMom.
But, hey, at least now it gives me a couple of extra days to buy the kid the jumbo-sized cup and jock.
And maybe some raincoats and rain boots for the girls.
And, maybe, a calendar.
If you want to see more of me – and, I mean, obviously, you do – you can read my latest entertainment news over at Juice, including my latest thoughts on LOST, my latest outfit over at The Urban Closet, my latest advice over at So You Want It, and my latest blathering over at Aiming Low.