In the airport yesterday, I stopped for a coffee and a doughnut and sat down with my new Kobo and dug myself deep into Moby Dick. (Wow. That sounds dirtier than I’d originally intended…) You see, it’s one of my blind spots and I am determined to  cross at least some of them off, and not only because people were OMG SHOCKED! at some of the things I haven’t seen or read or watched.
Sidebar: One thing I have seen recently is the new Karate Kid. I didn’t think I wanted to see it…I was really almost insulted by how the original trailers seemed to be replacing the beloved “wax on, wax off” with “take off your jacket, put on your jacket” which, well, didn’t quite cut it for me. Also, I mean, come on, the original Karate Kid will always be one of the most perfect movies to ever be made. (And my “sweet the lick” story still goes down in history as the most unintentionally hilarious thing to ever be) But, I have to say, I REALLY liked this new one. I am a huge fan of Jackie Chan and of Jaden Smith, and I’m not going to lie, they are my favorite celebrity couple right now. AND, you guys, oh my god, Isabella thought – and still thinks – that Jaden Smith was a girl, because of the braids. Which, I guess I can understand how a 4-year-old might be confused…
Sidebar: “I love a girl who enjoys doughnuts.” The pilot behind me in line at Tim’s, I’m guessing, doesn’t have enough women in his life who eat these delicious treats. “Thanks?” I said, unsure of how one responds to a line like that. I tried giving up on desserts and all that did was make me miserable, so now I indulge and it actually made me lose five pounds. Take that, Jillian Michaels.
Anyway, all of this was to ask you, nay, beg you to give me something else to put on my Kobo, you know, other than Moby Dick. My week at the beach begins in t-minus 3 days and I’m thinking that the Melville is just a wee bit heavy for plastic chairs and sand and sunscreen (SPF 50 all the way, baby!) although, let’s be honest, I’m taking my three children with me so I will most likely be in the water or building sandcastles or taking people to pee or getting drinks and not actually lying horizontal working on nothing but my tan (or my non-burn) and a good book.
BUT, I do want to be prepared for those surprise relaxing moments.
So please, if you will, tell me something you’ve read recently that you loved. I may reward you with cookies or a retelling of the sweet the lick story, if you’re lucky.